by StopAIS | Feb 18, 2019 | Past Projects
Why didymo? Contrary to other algae species, didymo represents an interesting paradox where didymo mats form under very low nutrient conditions. Also, managers continue to grapple with how best to address this species when faced with extraordinary mat formations....
Forest Pest Program
by StopAIS | Feb 11, 2019 | Outreach
Invasive pest insects are a significant threat to our urban and wild forests. Spongy moths, Asian long-horned beetles, murder hornets, spotted lanternflies and many other species have the potential to devastate our plant and natural resources. Just one species, the...
Smith River Project
by StopAIS | Feb 1, 2019 | Past Projects
In 2010, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks worked with ISAN to create invasive species outreach materials to influence the behavior of Smith River floaters about invasive species through the permitting process. The program utilized three primary outreach contact...
Riparian Weed Mapping
by StopAIS | Feb 1, 2019 | Past Projects
A Collaborative Effort to Address Noxious Weeds Riparian areas are among the most diverse and important components of our ecosystem. Healthy riparian areas act as filters to maintain water quality, reduce streambank erosion, maintain a higher water table, provide...
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