Why Cleaning Your Gear Matters

Our goal at the Invasive Species Action Network is to get everyone cleaning….and we mean everyone. Many activities can inadvertently spread invasive plants or animals, including hiking, angling, boating or four-wheeling.

If each of us can take simple steps to ensure that we are not moving invasive species on our gear, we minimize the possibility of spreading species when we recreate.

Clean, Drain, dry. it’s easy!

Fortunately, the best thing we can do to prevent the spread of invasive species is easy. When we move between waters, we clean our gear.

It is good to know about the different invasive species that are cause for concern, but more important is to practice the cleaning habits that prevent the spread of any invasive species: clean, drain and dry.

It is up to each of us to take action to protect our waters from invasive species.

The Invasive Species Action Network follows clean, drain and dry practices without chemicals of any kind. Using chemicals to clean your gear comes with its own set of unnecessary risks. For every activity – Clean, Drain and Dry.

By The Numbers:

Number of anglers to walk in pound of mud to the stream.

Number of days most invasives can live in muddy conditions.

Percentage of recreationists who never clean their gear.

Average number of waterbodies recreationists visit in 7 daYs

Cleaning Videos

Clean, Drain, Dry Your Boots

Clean, Drain, Dry Your Boat

More Cleaning Resources

Cleaning Tips for Everyone

Gear cleaning:

Does it make a difference?

Formula 409 & Invasive Species

Our Sister Sites

ISAN maintains two sister sites, aimed at different segments of recreationists. Since anglers and non-motorized boaters make up a large segment of those who actively seek out pristine waters, ISAN aims to provide easily digestible information about how to protect the places we all recreate. For more information, please visit:



Are you ready to help prevent the spread of invasive species?

Take the Pledge!

Invasive Species Prevention Pledge

1 + 12 =

Invasive species pose one of the greatest threats to biodiversity today, but preventing their spread is easy. This pledge provides the on-ramp for people everywhere to be part of the solution in preventing the spread of invasive species.

- Leah Elwell, Fmr. Executive Director